about us



The name TEVEO is composed of the two Spanish words Te and veo and means "I see you".

What does that mean for you and for us? On the one hand, we want you to be seen with our unique sportswear and stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, TEVEO stands for the fact that we know you and your needs. So you will find exactly the fit that suits you and gives your body the best shape.

Our founders Amelie and Chris

Meet Amelie - Co-Founder, Head of Marketing & Head of Productdevelopment.

Amelie is a creator. If she has a new idea, and she really often does, she immediately puts it into practice. Inspired by the latest fashion trends, she creates new collections, new colors and must-haves for your closet.

She owes her motivation and drive to you. Since our strong TEVEO community gives so much support and motivation, not only to Amelie but also to the entire team behind TEVEO, we are inspired to give our best day after day.


What began in 2019 with two people is now a young, passionate team of over 70 employees. At our location in Heilsbronn, our warehouse team does everything it can to ensure that your order reaches you quickly, our customer support team does everything it can to help you with questions and concerns, our product development team does everything it can to launch new collections and our social media team does everything it can to keep you up to date.

At the same time, our HR Team is seeking new, motivated employees - perhaps someone like you - to enrich our team. You can find our vacancies, including your potential dream job, through our Career section.

our values

What our team stands for


You can rely on us. At TEVEO, we all work together with the goal of making you happy.


We provide appreciation to you and to each other. Because everyone deserves to be treated with respect and appreciation.


We are happy to help you. Our customer support takes the time to handle every request to find a solution together with you.

Our history

In the following timeline Amelie and Chris report about the past years and give you a little insight into their TEVEO story.

Planless the plan went off

Our start

TEVEO was founded in 2019 in our own apartment and launched the first collection in August. The first six months have led to a successful start of the company with a total of three launches and a full apartment.


Unser erstes Lager

Anfang 2020 haben wir das erste Mal ein Lager in Heilsbronn angemietet. Seither haben wir uns dort schrittweise erweitert und unser Lager modernisiert. Auch haben wir Ende 2020 unsere ersten 3 Mitarbeiter angestellt, was für uns als Start-Up ein großer Schritt in Richtung Unternehmen war.

TEVEO goes Mykonos!

Shooting, Shooting, Shooting

2021 war ein spannendes Jahr für TEVEO! Wir haben unser Lager sowie unser Mitarbeiterteam erneut vergrößert, hatten zahlreiche Shootings für unsere neuen Kollektionen und sind mit unseren TEVEO Girls nach Mykonos geflogen!


Unsere TEVEO Familie wächst

Wir haben uns im Jahr 2022 zu einem größeren TEVEO-Team mit mehr als 50 Mitarbeitern entwickelt. Dabei geben wir Tag für Tag unser Bestes, um unseren Kunden die beste Sportbekleidung anbieten zu können! 2022 fand auch unser zweites Summerhouse mit unseren TEVEO Girls in Barcelona statt - was ein voller Erfolg war!


Unser erster Auftritt auf der FIBO

Das Jahr 2023 war voller Highlights. Eins davon war unser riesiger Messestand auf der FIBO in Köln, auf der wir viele von euch persönlich kennenlernen durften. Auch sind wir mit unseren TEVEO Athleten nach Fuerteventura und Kreta gereist, um unsere neuen Kollektionen zu shooten. Last but not least - im September fand unser erstes exklusives Community Event in Köln statt, bei dem wir unter anderem unsere neue Signature Kollektion vorgestellt haben.

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